Monday 28 April 2014

Most exquisite divine perspective of a new age guru...Dr Rama

Dr. Rama's Heart Inspirations from the Essence of Spirit
A most divine perspective of 
Rama Pemmaraju Rao MD
I have never read a piece do exquisite.... n Profound... so simply he explains the concept of Twinflames energies...
This exquisite rendition of this traditional song reflects the deep emotion between Twin Flames and the praise of Krishna who represents eternal Love.

Radha and Krishna are the ancient classical archetypes of Twin Flame energy that I have written so much about.

This love is so immense that there are no words to describe and it is hard to contain this love while in a human body.

It matters NOT what sexual orientation one is in, the love that Krishna and Radha represent is within us all and exists for us to share with a unique Twin Flame, High Flame, High Soul Mate or Soul Mate that we designed for ourselves and in agreement with them eons ago.  It is a Universal force that reflects all facets of love including romantic love for each other.

Twin Flames and High Flames (even true High Soul Mates and Soul Mates) are very rare on this planet --as we are living in a time where hearts are closed and many do not find their Twin because of so much negative karma that gets in the way of enjoying this love while in a body.

Foolish are those who allow a Twin Flame or High Flame to slip away from their hands and from their hearts, minds and Souls.

Such people who allow this do not understand what they really have done by rejecting their Twin or High Flame unless they really come forward to do their inner Spiritual work and mission in life and to really realize their Twin Flame was in front of them all along.

Unless they do remember and recognize them, the one who rejects their Twin or High Flame will not understand that a Twin Flame is the catalyst for each others' growth, for each others' a whole.

The Twin Flame relationship exists solely to help each other in Soul Progression and evolution on all levels.  It is the highest relationship that exists in the Universe outside of our Soul totally merging back into Divine Source.  Often Twin Flames merge back into Divine Source in a parallel enlightenment because their Souls merge back into one Soul, and together they share a joint enlightenment.  

When we meet our Twin Flame, High Flame or even High Soul Mate or Soul Mate.....let them not slip away, unless they have damaged or hurt us to the point that we have had to move onto others or too much time or separation took place in one lifetime and they have to work out their issues in another lifetime.

Only through spiritual and heart awakening and sometimes through hard, hard lessons in life do we realize that the Twin Flame specifically for us is an angel in disguise, who came in to help us and for us to help them with all aspects of negative and positive:  addictions; any kind of psychological (mental, emotional) problem or block; abuse of any kind; past and present pain; issues of abundance and money; education; career; creativity; finances---all this leads to healing for both and to ultimately form a mission to help themselves and humanity in any form.

If one misses the opportunity to connect to their Twin in the right way, then much suffering can occur: states of blankness, flatness, lack of energy creativity, and activity, listlessness, lack of enthusiasm, motivation--not knowing what to do in life,---(where to go, what direction to move) ---fragmentation, sadness and frank depression that will always haunt them the rest of their lives.....They then lament on so many negative choices in life and how they could allow darkness to interfere with a sacred blueprint of being with a Twin Flame or High Soul Mate

The reason for the negative turn in their lives is that they disrupted a sacred blueprint or karmic plan to be together and help work out each other's issues in life and living---on all levels.  The one disrupts the relationship does not understand sometimes that they both lead parallel lives even though the outer form and roles may be somewhat different. 

They came into being, to be born in the physical to work out these issues in each other and thus evolve into extraordinary Light beings to help themselves and the world.  And so without that Twin, it takes far, far more effort and more challenge--much more effort to recover and heal in life....because they miss that support that was there for them and they have to reform their life in some other way.

Without fulfilling that sacred contract to be together, life gets truly hard, and one's mood and life takes a downhill course because of the negative karma created in not being with their Twin or High Flame.

And the funny thing is that they know this deep down in their hearts, that this is all true and that their feelings for their Twin are real and genuine--- when they are alone and away from wicked people and all the negative distractions of this world.  They know that they have met someone of that kind of true love and depth; and yet they may do nothing about it at all while immersed in the Dark.  

Sometimes meeting a Twin Flame is like meeting Rama, Mohammed, other Saints, Krishna, Radha,  Jesus, Buddha, Quan Yin and other great Souls in the flesh right in our own lives. 

If someone said today in this day and age that  they were similar to these beings, would we truly believe it?  Yet we believe somehow, sometimes in the Masters and Twin Souls of the past.....

The darkness of the mind is baffling and tricky---it  cannot believe that such a person exists right in front of them. It is the same concept when someone meets a Twin Flame, High Flame, High Soul Mate or Soul Mate..... So they dismiss the Twin Flame and can " feel creeped out" or they even freak out and listen to wicked people around them who convince them that the other Twin is crazy and so on, which is simply not true.

It is easy to love Jesus and others from the past and celebrate Twin Flames from the past; hard to believe that someone is there right in front of us --who is actually our very own, right in our own midst.   Very paradoxical, indeed.  

Yet everyone has their own journey and their own ultimate destiny and choices however Light or however Dark---Even one Twin Flame cannot change the free will of one who chooses to stay in the Dark or has or had been in the Dark.  Only free will can bring such love together--

Radha and Krishna demonstrated the possibilities of holding Twin Flame energy while in a physical body--- so many thousands of years ago, still celebrated to this very day, just like Rama and his Divine Twin Flame:  Sita-----.  Such a love connection is so rare that countless millions celebrate their love while hoping to find this love for themselves and ultimately merge into Cosmic love ---somehow in this ocean of human suffering that seemingly has no end.   And yet, if it presents itself to us, do we have the awakened heart to recognize it and take action?  Only the heart and our Soul know. Sometimes destiny changes and it does not become possible for Twin Flames and Soul Mates to be together in one lifetime if too much time goes on, one Twin does not wake up to their inner work and/or just frankly "misses the boat"...... 

And so once again, they have to come back somewhere in time to work out the issues in another life (sometimes that can take thousands and thousands of years to come back into the physical----BTW)  that were perfectly laid out for them in their current life.  Yet,  was missed because  one or both Twins did not come forward in the right way to foster, nourish, honor and recognize their love, purpose and Mission together........



This beautifully haunting musical rendition captures the unspoken feelings, and unexplainable love that is felt deep within the heart between Twin can use this tune to call in their Twin Flame, High Flame or Soul Mate--one of many methods--they will hear it wherever they are within their Soul--knowingly and unknowingly.....